End of the Season

The end of the season is always somewhat bittersweet. You get an explosion of produce and at the same time, you are cleaning up beds and getting ready to plan for the next year. You are preserving your produce for the winter which is a lot of work, but fun and tasty. You are stacking wood for heating the farmhouse and at the same time already thinking about your beds for the next year. You wonder why your apple crop was miserable and your peach harvest was nonexistent but your Asian pears were so bountiful. We made pepper jelly from Hungarian wax peppers, jalapenos, and serranoes. Today we made caramelized red onions and shishito pepper jam. This is, for us, what farm life is all about. The billies are in rut and we hope to have kids in the spring. The make alpacas got out and, in a year, I expect we will have crias. We pastured 50 lambs in our orchard and ground garden to eat down all the grass and left overs. We have put up our hay and praying we have enough to make it through the winter without having to buy out on the market. This is farm life for Farscape Farm.